News & Insights

April 12, 2024

Finance as a force for good

Helena Caan Mattson shares insights on how we harness finance as a force for good in the markets we invest in.

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April 9, 2024

TransferGo raises USD 10 mln from Taiwania Capital

The second VEF portfolio company to complete a strong fundraise in recent months, TransferGo has announced a new funding round led by Taiwania Capital.

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March 28, 2024

VEF 2023 Annual Report

Our 2023 Annual Report, including an integrated Sustainability Report, is out now.

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March 22, 2024

The VEF investment philosophy

In our latest video, VEF's Head of Sustainability, Helena Caan Mattson, shares the story behind our investment philosophy.

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March 18, 2024

VEF presents at Swedish retail investor event

VEF recently presented at an event hosted by Aktiespararna, a members’ organization representing 70,000 private retail investors in Sweden.

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March 5, 2024 Podcast: Enthusiast by Pat Alex

Enthusiast podcast: Dave Nangle of VEF

Dave recently joined Pat Alex on the Enthusiast podcast, discussing successful founders, our listed structure, and how we build global dealflow.

Listen to the podcast
March 5, 2024 Creditas IR

Creditas financial results 4Q23

VEF portfolio company Creditas achieved operational break-even in December 2023, and has set the stage for sustained profitable growth in 2024.

Read the release from Creditas
February 22, 2024

Why we invest in Brazil

In our latest video, Dave Nangle shares why Brazil stands out as one of VEF's top investment markets.

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February 8, 2024

5 ways Gringo is changing car ownership in Brazil

Learn more about how Gringo are easing the financial and administrative burden of owning a car and creating value for millions of customers in Brazil.

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