News & Insights

July 23, 2024

VEF’s model: a truly Swedish example

Our model as a listed investment company - a well-known format in Sweden - makes VEF a unique vehicle for accessing privately held growth companies. Learn more.

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July 17, 2024

VEF 2Q24 report

Our financial report for 2Q24 is now published.

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July 16, 2024 The J Curve

Podcast: The J Curve with Olga Maslikhova

The leading podcast on tech ecosystem builders in LatAm recently hosted Dave Nangle in a new episode, sharing insights on VC and VEF's history in the region.

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June 26, 2024

Our journey with Creditas

Hear more about our journey with Creditas: from initial investment in 2017, growing conviction and follow-ons, to a cornerstone of the VEF portfolio.

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June 14, 2024 Aktiepodden

Podcast: Aktiepodden

VEF CEO Dave Nangle joins Aktiepodden to discuss VEF's history, mandate, and our portfolio of emerging market fintech companies. [From 28:00]

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June 14, 2024 Aktiespararna

Aktiespararna on VEF

Analysguiden, the research arm of Aktiespararna, has initiated research on VEF. Access the report through the link provided below. [Commissioned research]

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June 11, 2024

Highlighting VEF’s impact champions

Learn how VEF invests in fintech companies that empower underserved communities, drive societal impact, and promote sustainable development in emerging markets.

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May 22, 2024 Börspodden

Podcast: VEF CEO Dave Nangle on Börspodden

Our CEO Dave Nangle recently joined John Skogman and Johan Isaksson on Börspodden, Sweden's largest podcast on the stock market and economy. Listen now.

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May 21, 2024

The opportunity in India

As one of VEF's top geographic focuses, India represents a massive opportunity for fintech. Dave Nangle shares more in this video.

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