News & Insights

March 5, 2024 Creditas IR

Creditas financial results 4Q23

VEF portfolio company Creditas achieved operational break-even in December 2023, and has set the stage for sustained profitable growth in 2024.

Read the release from Creditas
February 22, 2024

Why we invest in Brazil

In our latest video, Dave Nangle shares why Brazil stands out as one of VEF's top investment markets.

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February 8, 2024

5 ways Gringo is changing car ownership in Brazil

Learn more about how Gringo are easing the financial and administrative burden of owning a car and creating value for millions of customers in Brazil.

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February 8, 2024 VEF research

Gringo: Revolutionizing the Brazilian Driver Exper...

Gain insight into VEF portfolio company Gringo and the opportunity to digitize the end‑to‑end driver experience in Brazil in our latest report.

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January 24, 2024

VEF 4Q23 report

Our financial report for Q4 2023 is now published.

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December 20, 2023 FT Partners

FT Partners interview: Vimal Kumar, CEO of Juspay

FT Partners recently interviewed Vimal Kumar, co-founder and CEO of VEF portfolio company Juspay. Read the interview here.

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December 19, 2023

Juspay & the Indian payments opportunity

Following our recent trip to India, we're excited to reiterate why Indian payments is one of the most promising opportunities in emerging market fintech.

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December 18, 2023

On the ground in India

Every year, the VEF team brings our Board of Directors on a trip to one of our core markets. Learn more about our recent trip to India here.

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December 15, 2023

The opportunity in fintech

Dave Nangle shares how innovation and digitization is reshaping traditional financial services and tapping into trillions of dollars in market opportunity.

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