News & Insights

June 26, 2024

Our journey with Creditas

Hear more about our journey with Creditas: from initial investment in 2017, growing conviction and follow-ons, to a cornerstone of the VEF portfolio.

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June 14, 2024 Spotify: Aktiepodden

Podcast: Aktiepodden

VEF CEO Dave Nangle joins Aktiepodden to discuss VEF's history, mandate, and our portfolio of emerging market fintech companies. [From 28:00]

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June 14, 2024 Aktiespararna

Aktiespararna on VEF

Analysguiden, the research arm of Aktiespararna, has initiated research on VEF. Access the report through the link provided below. [Commissioned research]

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June 11, 2024

Highlighting VEF’s impact champions

Learn how VEF invests in fintech companies that empower underserved communities, drive societal impact, and promote sustainable development in emerging markets.

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May 22, 2024 Börspodden

VEF CEO Dave Nangle on Börspodden

Our CEO Dave Nangle recently joined John Skogman and Johan Isaksson on Börspodden, Sweden's largest podcast on the stock market and economy. Listen now.

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May 21, 2024

The opportunity in India

As one of VEF's top geographic focuses, India represents a massive opportunity for fintech. Dave Nangle shares more in this video.

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May 17, 2024 Creditas IR

Creditas financial results 1Q24

In 1Q24 Creditas achieved the company's first quarter of profitability, entering a new chapter of profitable growth.

Read the release from Creditas
April 19, 2024

VEF Sustainability Report 2023

VEF is excited to release our fourth annual Sustainability Report, highlighting our achievements in sustainability over the past year.

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April 17, 2024

VEF 1Q24 report

Our financial report for 1Q24 is now published.

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